Friday, February 5, 2010

Arrivederci Firenze

Today is our last day in Florence. It's a little sad, but I'm more excited than words can express to finally get to Rome. To finally settle in, no longer living out of a suitcase. To sleep farther than 2 centimeters from my roommate. To be in Roma! But this also means that I have to use this day to soak up all that is Florence and commit its beauty to memory. Today is my last chance to walk across the Arno River. To easily walk anywhere and everywhere (Rome is just slightly bigger than Florence). To know my way around (until I get my bearings in Rome). To avoid the dirty business left behind by all the Florentine dogs (they literally do not even attempt to clean up after their dogs, here). To rock out one last time, Florence style.

Of course, tonight we have to study for our final exams, so technically last night was all or nothing. We went to this classy bar called "Moyo." It was really fun, but one cocktail was 7 euro. A budweiser was even 7 euro. Not so fun. We stayed out far too late and I struggled through class today. But it's over now, so thus begins another (hopefully) fun-filled day. Perhaps I will shop around the Florence markets or climb the Duomo. The weather is not very favorable today, unfortunately, so we shall see where the flow takes me.

As for the last few days, they have been typical: filled with fun things to do, but slightly calmer than other days. The wine tasting was great. It was in a castle, and we were given four wines to taste. Two of them were different types of Chianti Classico. The last wine was a dessert wine that burned like brandy and had an almond taste. They gave us a side of biscotti to actually dip in the wine. It was delicious. The view from the castle was amazing. We took some really nice pictures, some a bit life-threatening.

Yesterday was our double-class day. It was definitely a rough day. And I did abosolutely horribly on my listening and comprehension test, but life goes on...After class I did my first load of hand-washed laundry. Not quite as fun as it sounds, but such is one of the many possible joys of the study abroad student. Clean undergarments are a pretty important thing.

Nothing too exciting, aside from the impending departure to Rome tomorrow afternoon. It will probably be a while before the next update, as I don't even know how I will get to school in Rome, let alone find internet.

But until then,



  1. Love reading about your adventures and can't wait to hear from you once you're in Rome. Enjoy it all. Live in the moment and soak it all in. I know you will. Love you and Miss you.


  2. How ironic that your first "culture shock" should be in a shoe store... What great experiences both in fun and learning you are having - Have a great time settling in and exploring Rome!
